Home Page
Hello! Welcome to Mr. Miller's Web Page.
Hello Parents and Students,
I do not use Google Classroom! Most of my assignments are on paper. Please use this website to stay connected and get help.
Some tips for 7th Grade here at Chaparral:
1. Completing assignments the day they are assigned and working on longer projects and study guides each day, will ensure a good year with lots of learning and great grades.
2. Stay organized. Put assignments in the proper place in your science binder. Bring the binder every day, even when you don't have my class. You can stop by with questions and get help at break, lunch, and after school, but if you don't have your assignments, it will be less helpful.
3. Write your homework in the binder reminder (PARENTS CHECK HOMEWORK IN THE BINDER REMINDER OR MY HOMEWORK PAGE). If you wait till homework is missing in Aeries it is too late!
My e-mail is: [email protected]
Homework Page: Double-check the assignments that SHOULD have been written in the binder reminders. Sometimes extra info. will be posted here to help with assignments. Also, you can usually find links for homework assignments here.
Recent Assignment Instructions Page: Get additional instructions to help with study guides, projects, or just simple homework assignments. Lost an assignment? Go to the bottom of the page and download it to print.
Cool and Safe Science Links: Lots of great links to explore as well as the links to pages or videos for homework assignments.
Photos: Find photos to help you finish your labs or examples of projects here.
Additional Support: Office hours (including zoom links for virtual office hours) Also, anything I can find to help students and parents get through this year in one piece.
7th Grade Catalina Camp: If you missed or lost a notice that was handed out in Advocacy - go here to find it and print it.
Catalina Chaperones: Go here to find any info. about becoming a chaperone or forms needed after you are on the list. First chance to get on list at the Parent Meeting at the end of October or beginning of November. Look for details in notices coming home in Advocacy.
Michael Miller
Link to Student Drop Off Video:
Link to Student Pick Up Video
Link to Block Calendar Explanation Video